M-TRON Components’ Connections


Electronic Datasheet Locator
A free electronic engineering tool that enables you to locate product data sheets from hundreds of electronic component manufacturers worldwide.
Chip Docs Datasheets
Provider of time critical component information in the electronics industry. Members can access comprehensive, weekly updated information on over 1 million electronic components from over 500 manufacturers.
Semiconductor Datasheets
A list of links to semiconductor manufacturers, including direct links to their data sheets index page.
Visit the Transistor Museum's Website
This site gives a look at the invention and development of the transistor and assorted semiconductors and provides a repository of historical information not available elsewhere.
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1891 Lakeland Ave. • Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 USA

Tel 1-800-437-7766

Sales Fax 631-467-5104 • Purch Fax 631-467-5105


M-Tron NDAA Trusted Supplier
ERAI, Inc. continues to serve as the industry’s leading source for accurate in-depth information on problems affecting the global supply chain of electronics.
GIDEP (Government-Industry Data Exchange Program) is a cooperative activity between government and industry participants seeking to reduce or eliminate expenditures of resources by sharing technical information essential during research, design, development, production and operational phases of the life cycle of systems, facilities and equipment.
The aerospace industry in its continuous effort to improve quality has developed the first international Quality Management Standard, adopted and adhered to at M-TRON Components, specifically for the industry. It has been published in Europe as EN 9100, in the United States as AS 9100 and in the Far East as SJAC 9100.  M-TRON Components adherence to the standard represents significant effort by M-TRON Components and the aerospace industry to produce a single standard for use across the global aerospace community.